
When is check in and check out?
You can check in after 3 PM and check out is before 11 AM.
We offer luggage storage before checking in and after checking out if needed.

Where do we check in?
Walk up the stairs to the main house and then take the first door on your right.
If we are not there at that moment, we will leave a phone number to call..

Where can we park the car?
The parking lot is on the right side of the courtyard, and it is, of course, free.

Can I charge my e-car at Aggershøj?
There are several places to charge your car in Marstal, the nearest charging station is only 700meters away.

When will breakfast be served?
Breakfast will be served every from 8AM – 10AM.
If you need to catch an early ferry, we will, of course, accomodate that.

What about dinner?
There are plenty of dining options in Marstal and other wonderful places on the island. We will be happy to help you find and book places.

Occasionally, we will have POP UP, long table dinners for the guests living at Aggershøj. You can sign up in the morning on the day of the event.

You can store your beverages and food in the fridge in the kitchenette in the wing with guest rooms.

Does Aggershøj have a bar?
Of course there’s a bar at Aggershøj… It’s possible to buy wine/beer, carefully selected liquor, and soft drinks in our takeaway bar.

Buy a bottle or a glass at the bar and then enjoy it in the main house or the garden.

If you buy a bottle and for some reason you aren’t able to finish it on the same day, then we can put it in the fridge for next day.

Can you bring your own beverages?
No, please buy from us.

Is your dog, Gerda, dangerous?
No, Gerda is an incredibly happy golden retriever. She’s one years old and loves the company of both dogs and people and believes that everybody loves her, too. Give her a hug instead of a treat, as we have a lot of guests here at Aggershøj.

Will we meet you (Carsten and Line)?
YES. We live at Aggershøj on the first floor. Carsten works in Copenhagen and sometimes stays there in our house in Nyboder, so he won’t be around every day. Some days I might be sitting in the office, working on an interior design project, or you may find me in the kitchen or in the garden.
We want you to feel welcome and use the house as you would your home.

What if we have questions?
All questions are welcome. Please call or write before you arrive or let’s talk about it when you arrive.

Can we be picked up at the ferry?
Aggershøj is about 10 minutes walk from the ferry in Marstal. There are free busses from Ærøskøbing and Søby. The bus stop is about a 2-minute walk from Aggershøj.

Are you looking forward to a lot of guests?
Oh Yes!